AVERE PR: AVERE welcomes preliminary agreement on HDV CO2 standards excluding CCF and CO2 neutral fuels

Truck charging

AVERE welcomes the agreement reached earlier today by EU co-legislators on the revision of the EU’s CO2 standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDV)

Brussels. AVERE welcomes the agreement reached earlier today by EU co-legislators on the revision of the EU’s CO2 standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDV). “Over the past few years, demand for e-trucks has been steadily increasing, calling for an adequate response and adaptation from legislation. This agreement is not only encouraging to the whole ecosystem, but it also creates the right framework for the market to keep growing”, said Philippe Vangeel, Secretary General of AVERE.

As brought forward by AVERE, the deal does not include any provision on CO2 neutral fuels and Carbon Correction Factor (CCF), which should be kept out of the Regulation even after the review to be brought forward by the Commission by the end of 2027.

“We strongly recommend that the European Commission ensures that carbon neutral fuels and the CCF will not be included during the legislation review phase, which is foreseen for 2027. Investments made by OEMs must be preserved and protected, which is why legal certainty from Institutional side is of the essence”, continued Vangeel. In the review, the European Commission will also have to evaluate the possibility of developing a common methodology for the assessment and reporting of the full lifecycle CO2 emissions of new HDVs.

We also endorse the agreement on CO2 emission reduction targets, which reflect those initially proposed by the Commission, as they have been set at 45% for 2030, 65% for 2035, and 90% for 2040. Moreover, urban buses will be mandated to be 100% zero-emission by 2035, and 90% by 2030.

In addition, the agreement features the inclusion of vocational vehicles, such as garbage and construction trucks, in the scope of the Regulation, although this will apply only as of 2035. While an earlier application would have been preferable, AVERE warmly welcomes the extension, as it will result in an additional 7% of the HDV market being subject to CO2 targets.

AVERE now calls for a swift formal adoption by both the European Parliament and the Council of the EU to ensure economic operators have time and certainty to channel investments in the freight sector.
