AVERE Press Release: AVERE Welcomes the Adoption of the Revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive Enabling Home and Destination Charging of EVs in the EU

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AVERE welcomes the adoption of the revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) which will support the conditions required for enabling home and destination charging of EVs in the EU.

 Brussels. AVERE warmly welcomes the European Parliament's plenary vote on the revision of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), viewing it as a significant step towards enhancing e-mobility in the European Union. While acknowledging the positive aspects of the revised EPBD, AVERE believes it falls short in fully leveraging the potential for accelerating the transition to e-mobility.

While we commend the adoption of the revised EPBD, we express concern over its limitations in advancing e-mobility infrastructure. Notably, the Directive's focus on pre-cabling and ducting requirements solely for buildings catering to light-duty vehicles neglects the crucial aspect of depots where heavy vehicles predominantly recharge. Additionally, the exclusion of existing residential buildings from recharging infrastructure targets overlooks the imperative of equipping these structures to facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles among residents.

The adoption of the revised EPBD serves as a pivotal milestone in establishing a conducive regulatory framework for charging infrastructure deployment across various building types. Philippe Vangeel, Secretary General of AVERE, underscores the importance of destination charging points, stating, "Destination charging points are pivotal in supporting renewable energy uptake. With smart and V2G capabilities, they can substantially augment local renewable energy storage production by 14%."

We appreciate the inclusion of a definition for pre-cabling and the incorporation of light-duty vehicles within the Directive's scope. Furthermore, we commend the establishment of targets for charging infrastructure deployment in both new and renovated residential and non-residential buildings.

However, AVERE expresses disappointment over the inadequate provisions concerning the right-to-plug and the minimal requirements for ducting and pre-cabling. Strengthening these aspects could significantly contribute to achieving the Union’s climate objectives, as proactive measures during construction or renovation can substantially mitigate future expenses. Retrofitting is proven to be up to five times more costly than integrating chargers during initial construction or renovation phases.

AVERE urges Member States to promptly transpose the revised EPBD into national legislation and to adopt more ambitious implementation measures. Enhanced efforts are essential to ensure European EV users can seamlessly embrace e-mobility, benefiting from widespread availability of home and destination charging infrastructure.
