Posts about HDV

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Why E-Mobility

Decarbonising Europe

Electromobility is essential to achieve the objectives of the COP21 and the European Green Deal by mitigating the worst consequences of climate change. Electric vehicles (EVs) are, on a life cycle basis in the EU, more competitive in terms of CO2 emissions than other modes of propulsion.

Energy efficiency and flexibility

With smart charging and future bi-directional charging capabilities, EVs are batteries on wheel and are an important asset in balancing the grid and promoting the penetration of renewable energy. This creates a virtuous circle and help reduce the life-cycle emissions by promoting the adoption of a greener electricity grid.

Air and noise pollution

E-mobility has an enormous health potential as it will participate in the reduction of air pollution and noise in urban and non-urban areas. This will increase the well-being of European citizens and make cities more liveable.

With the right policies in place, electromobility will accelerate the EU's energy independence and boost the EU's green economy, creating jobs and growth.


AVERE is the only European association representing and advocating for electromobility on behalf of the industry, academia, and EV users at both EU and national levels. On top of advocacy, we provide our members with a unique forum for exchanging knowledge, experience, and ideas on how to stimulate electromobility throughout Europe. As a European Federation, we take pride in bringing together the entire e-mobility ecosystem with different members such as National Associations, actors who are active in the charging infrastructure industry and stakeholders who are active on the vehicle side.

Discover Our Association Members

AVERE Europe is the European Association of Electromobility and is thus the central platform for national e-mobility associations to meet and exchange experiences. 

Learn More About Our Vehicle Members

Our Vehicle members exist of a large and different group of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers that are active on the European market. 

Learn More About Our Infrastructure Members

Our Infrastructure members represent all kind of stakeholders who are active in the charging infrastructure industry. These consists amongst others of charging manufacturers, installers, CPO's en e-MSP's. 

Discover Our Vision for Carbon-Free Road Transport

100% new zero-emissions vehicles by 2030
Fully decarbonised European road transport by 2050
Making Europe a world leader in electromobility

Learn More About Our Team

The board is the main governing body of AVERE. It sets its priorities and provides the strategic perspective and goals.
The Secretariat runs the operation on a day-to-day basis

Discover How We Contribute to EU Policies

Discover How We Contribute to Define International Standards

Latest News

  1. AVERE Press Release: EP’s TRAN Committee Delivers Positive Position on the Weights and Dimensions Directive

    AVERE Press Release: EP’s TRAN Committee Delivers Positive Position on the Weights and Dimensions Directive

    AVERE welcomes the position adopted by the European Parliament’s Transport and Tourism Committee on the Weights and Dimensions Directive.

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  2. AVERE PR: AVERE welcomes preliminary agreement on HDV CO2 standards excluding CCF and CO2 neutral fuels

    AVERE PR: AVERE welcomes preliminary agreement on HDV CO2 standards excluding CCF and CO2 neutral fuels

    AVERE welcomes the agreement reached earlier today by EU co-legislators on the revision of the EU’s CO2 standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles (HDV)

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